Classically Curious: The strange story of Tchaikovsky and Nadezhda von Meck
Their relationship was passionate, intense, and they shared the most intimate details of their creative lives with one another.
Without their mutual support, some of the greatest symphonies in the world may never have been written. That’s why it’s so strange that these two remarkable individuals never met, as Martin Buzacott explains.
A fortune from riding the rails
In 1876, the Russian engineer and railway tycoon Karl von Meck died suddenly, leaving his entire financial wealth to his 45-year-old wife Nadezhda, mother of their 11 surviving children. A person of considerable learning and culture, Nadezhda was a competent pianist who possessed legendary energy and entrepreneurial flair.
Earlier in life, she’d convinced her husband to give away his secure but mundane government position to pursue commercial opportunities in the burgeoning Russian railway business. Now, she became the sole owner of their two rail networks, several estates and massive investments. But the grief had hit Nadezhda hard, and she soon began to withdraw from society, rarely going out and refusing to meet even with the families of her children’s prospective spouses. Her one consolation was music, the only thing that took her out of the house, although even then it was only for performances by the Russian Musical Society, which she would attend alone and sit in a private area away from the crowd. She sponsored some of the musicians involved, including the pianist/composer Nikolai Rubinstein, the violinist Josef Kotek, and later on, a French teenager named Claude Debussy who composed his Piano Trio while serving as the music tutor to the von Meck children.
Enter Tchaikovsky
The musical work that made the most significant impact on Nadezhda von Meck was a tone poem for orchestra based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It was by the 36-year-old Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Less than a year after her husband’s death, Nadezhda wrote to Tchaikovsky, initially commissioning some chamber music from him and ultimately offering him an annual allowance of 6000 roubles, roughly 15–20 times the salary of a typical civil servant at the time. It came with just one stipulation — that she and Tchaikovsky were never to meet in person. Thus was born one of the most notorious and unusual relationships in the history of music. Over the next 13 years, they exchanged more than a thousand letters, nearly half of which have survived. In them, they poured out their hearts and souls in a way that was passionate, intimate, but entirely epistolary. And it generated some of the greatest music ever composed.
Not the marrying kinds
When Nadezhda von Meck first contacted Tchaikovsky, he was at one of the lowest points in his life, and it was about to get lower still. He loathed having to teach at the Moscow Conservatorium to make a living, and then, soon after receiving Nadezhda’s patronage, he entered into the disastrous and short-lived marriage that sent both he and his wife Antonina to the brink of suicide. Both Tchaikovsky and Nadezhda found themselves newly single, but a second marriage was unthinkable for both of them. Both needed companionship, but paradoxically, that was anathema to their equal need for personal privacy. So they became soul-mates instead — but long distance soul-mates.
‘’The thought of you with that woman was unbearable,’’ Nadezhda wrote to Tchaikovsky after his marriage break-up. ‘’I hated her because she didn’t make you happy; but I would have hated her 100 times more if she had.’’ For his part, Tchaikovsky understood Nadezhda’s desire never to meet: ‘’You are afraid that you will not find in me those ideal qualities that your imagination has attributed to me. And you are quite right.’’ So, living apart, as creatures of the imagination only, they made the perfect couple, sharing and supporting each other in their mutual hopes and dreams and fears.
‘Our symphony’

Tchaikovsky always acknowledged the profound influence that his relationship with Nadezhda had on his music. While working on his ground-breaking Symphony №4, he referred to it in his correspondence with her as “our symphony” and ended up dedicating it to her. She loved it, and when Claude Debussy was tutoring her children, she played the piano arrangement of it together with him. Then when Tchaikovsky’s Symphony №5 failed at its premiere, Nadezhda boosted her financial support to help maintain his morale. As the embarrassed Tchaikovsky wrote to her around this time, “… in my relations with you, there is the ticklish circumstance that every time we write to one another, money appears on the scene.”
Near misses
Nadezhda’s habit of offering Tchaikovsky accommodation at her various estates resulted in the occasional close encounter. At one of her villas in Florence in 1878, he watched her pass by in the distance every morning, and they once glimpsed one another amongst the throng at a concert. Then, while out walking in the forest on the von Meck estate at Simaki in 1879, Tchaikovsky accidentally bumped into Nadezhda and her family in their carriage. He tipped his hat, she looked confused, and not a word was uttered before they both continued on their separate ways. That night he wrote her an apology. She replied kindly and even invited him to visit her home to see some new paintings she’d acquired — but of course at a time when she’d be absent. Four years later, Nadezhda’s son Nikolai married Tchaikovsky’s niece, Anna Davydova. In keeping with her principles, Nadezhda didn’t attend the wedding, but Tchaikovsky did and met Nadezhda’s family. But as time wore on, it became apparent that the von Meck children didn’t approve of their mother’s relationship with the composer.

A phantom bankruptcy
In October 1890, out of the blue, Tchaikovsky received a letter from Nadezhda announcing that she was facing bankruptcy and that she was forwarding him one further year’s salary, which would be his last. She claimed that her children had squandered the family fortunes, but in all likelihood, they were ensuring the opposite. Earlier in the year, a steady procession of von Meck children had approached their mother, attempting, each in their turn, to convince her to end her strange relationship with Tchaikovsky. It was becoming a scandal, they said, and also, even though they weren’t actually bankrupt, after years of extravagance, the von Mecks were discovering that their debts were beginning to accumulate. By this stage, Nadezhda, about to enter her 60s, was in the advanced stages of tuberculosis and was no longer the domineering figure that she’d once been with her children. In her final letter to Tchaikovsky, she asked him not to forget her. Tchaikovsky didn’t, and reportedly made attempts to patch things up. It’s not entirely clear if that happened before Tchaikovsky’s death at the end of 1893. Just weeks later, though, Nadezhda died too. Afterwards, Anna von Meck was asked how her mother-in-law had coped with Tchaikovsky’s death. She replied, “She didn’t cope with it.”
Originally published at on July 8, 2019.